Customer Service


Customer Service Solutions

The Team in Motion

Customer Loyalty: Easy Ways to Earn It, Easy Ways to Lose It


Customized to achieve your specific objectives; Jerry’s signature programs help to build your team, educate your staff and show your employees that you care about their success.


These workshops combine customer service skills, teamwork, communication skills and self-motivational tools into an enjoyable, fast-paced experience suitable for every employee in your business.

Jerry strives to help every attendee recognize the impact of their performance, behavior and attitude… and to provide practical tools for improvement.

Different versions of these programs can accommodate groups as small as three and as large as five hundred!  If team building is a priority, smaller groups (18 or fewer attendees) are recommended for a more personal and interactive experience.

Hospitality without Boundaries

The Secrets of Great Service and Happy Workplaces aren’t Secrets!


What’s important to you now?

  • better customer relationships?
  • kindness, consideration and teamwork in the workplace?
  • successfully managing stress, behavior and attitudes?
  • improving service skills, and upgrading communications skills?


Each workshop, or series, is customized for you.

20 minute lecture, six-hour workshop, and everything in-between.
Programs geared to: management, dept. heads, front line service providers, or your entire team.
Groups of any size.

In the last year, how many times have you visited a store, restaurant or hotel, and left asking yourself, “how the heck do they stay in business? Their service is dreadful!” Did you ever SHARE your “dreadful service stories” with anyone? I’ll bet you did!

Have you ever had an experience with a bank teller who is chewing gum, makes no eye contact and says, “Have a nice day” with a tone that strongly implies, “My boss makes me say that. Actually, I don’t care what kind of day you have?”

Ever call a business and ask if you have the right number because the voice at the other end of the line spoke so fast that it sounded like, “thhhk fer calinmishfeeld trawnpuhertehoylcinIhepya?” How did that make YOU feel?


What are people saying about your business?

Do you have employees who (due to lack of skills, awareness, or motivation) disappoint and annoy your customers, creating a “dreadful service story” that is repeated over and over again? Mistakes happen, I’m talking about bad habits.


Can customer service excellence be taught?

Of course! And the student needs to remember that the payoffs of practicing hospitality without boundaries go far beyond the workplace!

It boils down to making positive emotional connections. Not phony, nor by rote, but with sincerity and warmth. Being hospitable – to customers AND coworkers. Remembering to treat people right!

This workshop will help seasoned veterans and new employees alike focus on and practice, keys to exemplary customer service, effective communications, and successful stress management … to keep you and your customers happy, create positive word-of-mouth advertising, and increase the bottom line.


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Follow Jerry…

Jerry’s Books…

Leadership & Management


Gaining the Leadership Advantage

Would you like some practical tools and tips to improve your leadership and training skills? Did you promote someone into a leadership position who was never taught how to train others properly and effectively? Do you need to educate and prepare the future leaders of your business? If the answer to any of these questions is “yes,” then Gaining the Leadership Advantage is for you —and your key employees!

Gaining the Leadership Advantage is a newly revised and updated program for managers, supervisors and business owners.  You’ll learn how to be a better trainer… and how to be a better “leader/ trainer” — as you train and inspire the leaders of tomorrow!


Topics include:

  • Prerequisites for improvement
  • Passion and purpose
  • How to be the coach … not the critic!
  • Ways to ELEVATE your team (and yourself)
  • Micromanagement and macromanagement
  • Keys to effective training sessions
  • Communication skills for success
  • The “magic repetition factor”
  • Setting realistic leadership/training goals


Three hours


Presentation and Training Skills for Business People … Make It Memorable!

“Cool” and “hot” tools, tips, and techniques to help your audiences remember you … and your message!


You will benefit from this program if you: give professional presentations; speak at networking groups, make sales presentations, train your staff.

Think for a moment of all the chamber of commerce meetings, networking events, sales meetings, seminars, speeches and workshops you’ve ever attended.  Did you remember anything that the speaker, host or presenter said?  There ARE some practical ways to increase the likelihood of YOUR audiences remembering you and your message.  In this program, you’ll learn to apply the skills that increase your positive impact … and make the most of your speaking, networking and training opportunities.

Some topics include:  preparing for the performance; telling the story; voice acting and modulation;  improving nonverbal communications; when to use (and when NOT to use) humor and props.

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Be Your Own Mentor!

Having an experienced mentor (or coach, guide, helper, counselor) can make a huge positive difference in our professional and personal lives.  But if you don’t have a mentor available (or even if you do) there are many powerful D.I.Y. tools and strategies to help you identify and achieve your goals and objectives.

In this entertaining and content-rich program, you’ll learn some powerful techniques for clarifying goals (especially during times of transition), boosting confidence, staying focused and accessing the wisdom that you already possess, for the results you seek.

Some topics include:

• What is important to you now?

• Remembering your strengths.

• Creating or “shaping” the future you desire.

• Reviewing your core values and virtues.

• Focus phrases, mottos, positive triggers.

• Three helpful lists.

• Homework makes the difference! 

• Practice makes habits!

• Following your own best advice! 

Practicing the Practical Power of Gratitude


“Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got ‘till its gone.”  Joni Mitchell

Clearly, life can be difficult and challenging.  Modern science suggests that a little extra focus on “the good stuff” can have significant positive results over time.  In this practical program, you’ll learn to use “grati-tools” (intentional gratitude practices) for increased happiness, decreased stress, improved relationships, and a more positive perspective … to help you navigate the sometimes choppy waters of life with greater ease!

Some topics include:

• Keys to effective practice.

• Developing a ‘gratitude bias’

• Selective perception and inattentional blindness

• The ‘happiness set-point’ – and ways to raise it

• Acknowledging those who help

• Expressing appreciation.

• The practical power of the ‘gratitude journal’

• Take a ‘gratitude break!’



Miracles, Luck and the Butterfly Effect


“Predictability: Does the Flap of a Butterfly’s Wings in Brazil set off a Tornado in Texas?”  (title of a paper presented in 1972 by M.I.T. Professor of Meteorology, Edward Norton Lorenz)

In our business and in our lives, can seemingly insignificant decisions and events turn out to be the causal factors for significant, or even destiny-changing future outcomes? 

Are there practical ways to increase the likelihood of “good luck?”  Can “miracles” happen, and if so, how can you create a few of your own?

In this entertaining mini-workshop, you’ll explore some theories of “causes and effects,” and learn some practical, powerful tools and techniques to help you stack the odds in your favor for the positive outcomes you desire — at work … and in life!

Some topics include:

• Elements of Future Creation.

• The ‘Butterfly Effect’ and Chaos Theory.

• Ways to increase ‘Good Luck.’

• Making the most of what you’ve got.

• Be careful what you wish for …

• Choosing appropriate goals.

• Set Your A.I.M. for optimal results.

• Eight daily “Miracle Making” reminders.



The Transformative Power of Daily Reminders

Is it time for a positive change? Learn how well-written affirmations, prompts and lists could help you clarify goals, make or break habits, improve productivity, and increase wellbeing.  

Time and Life Management Toolbox


Practical, creative, easy-to-use tools for: improved productivity, mood management, more efficient communications and stress reduction, at work… with relationships… and in life! Attendees love the handouts, especially the “little cards” with key teaching points and reminders.



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